Hyperspeed Total RNA Rapid Isolation Kit (whole blood, liquid samples)

Catalog# BPC1004
Size: 50 T
Lot # Check on the product label
Price: $200.00


Catalog# BPC1004

Size: 50 T

Lot # Check on the product label


The improved guanidine isothiocyanate/phenol one-step method lyses cells and inactivates RNase, and then the total RNA is selectively adsorbed on the silicon matrix membrane in the spin column in a highly isolated salt state. RNA is purified through a series of wash-spin steps to remove protein followed by elution of RNA from silica membrane with RNase-free H2O.

Kit Contents and Storage




Buffer RLS

50 ml

Store at 4°C for for 12 months

Wash Buffer RE

25 ml



Store at RT for for 12 months


Wash Buffer RW

10 ml
Add indicated ethanol before first use

RNase-free H2O

6 ml

RNA Bind Columns

50 pcs

Precautions for storage

1. The lysate RL can be transported at room temperature. After receipt, store it at 4°C away from light.

2. Avoid volatilization, oxidation, and pH changes caused by long-term exposure of the reagent to the air. After use, the lid should be closed in time.
