EASYspin RNA Isolation Kit (For bone tissues)

Catalog# BPC1013
Size: 50 T
Lot # Check on the product label
Price: $360.00


Catalog# BPC1013

Size: 50 T

Lot # Check on the product label


The bone tissue is hard, the density of bone cells is low, and the peripheral matrix contains a large amount of mucin (proteoglycan) and RNA is difficult to separate, and high-quality extraction cannot be performed by the traditional Trizol method. This kit uses a unique lysis solution that does not contain phenol/chloroform formula, and adds a variety of ingredients to remove bone tissue proteoglycan. At the same time, the unique genomic DNA removal column technology can effectively remove gDNA residues. The resulting RNA generally does not require DNase digestion, and can be used for reverse transcription PCR, fluorescent quantitative PCR and other experiments. The unique lysis solution quickly lyses cells and inactivates cell RNase, centrifugal precipitation to remove polysaccharides and secondary metabolites, and then the lysis mixture is adjusted with ethanol to bind RNA to the genomic DNA removal column, and then RNA is selectively eluted, filtered, and adsorbed Residual DNA on the genomic DNA removal column cannot be eluted and discarded together with the column to remove the DNA. After the filtered RNA is adjusted with ethanol to adjust the binding conditions, the RNA is selectively adsorbed on the silicon matrix membrane in the spin column in the state of high isolating salt, and then passes through a series of rapid rinsing-centrifugation steps. Metabolites, proteins and other impurities are removed, and finally the low-salt RNase free H20 eluates the pure RNA from the silicon matrix membrane.

Kit Contents and Storage




Buffer CLB

50 ml





Store at RT for 12 months


5 ml

Buffer RLTPlus

25 ml

Buffer RW1

40 ml

Wash Buffer RW

10 ml

Add indicated ethanol before first use

RNase-free H2O

10 ml

Genomic DNA Elimination Columns  

50 pcs

RNase-free Bind Columns

50 pcs
