PhasePrep EndoFree Maxi Kit

Catalog# BPC1122
Size: 20 T
Lot # Check on the product label
Price: $400.00


Catalog# BPC1122

Size: 20 T

Lot # Check on the product label


This kit suitable for high-purity or transfection-grade plasmid preparation and BAC/PAC large-scale plasmid preparation. PhasePrep EndoFree Maxi Kit extracts plasmid DNA from cultured bacteria by alkaline lysis method. Using a unique solution formulation and endotoxin removal reagent, it only needs a few simple centrifugations to remove impurities such as protein, polysaccharide, endotoxin, and RNA, and obtain high-quality plasmid DNA. .

Kit Contents and Storage




RNaseA (10 mg/ml)

1.3 ml

Store at -20℃ for 18 months.

Solution P1

130 ml

Store at 4 for 18 months.

Solution P2

100 ml

Store at RT for 18 months.

Solution P3

110 ml

Impurity scavenger A

3 ml

Impurity scavenger B

30 ml

endotoxin scavenger

10 ml

Store at -20℃ for 18 months.
