Bloodmini DNA kit

Catalog# BPC1133
Size: 100 T
Lot # Check on the product label
Price: $220.00


Catalog# BPC1133

Size: 100 T

Lot # Check on the product label


This kit use unique binding solution/Protease K rapidly lyses cells and inactivates intracellular nucleases, and genomic DNA is then selectively adsorbed to a silica-based membrane in a spin column in a high-order salt state, followed by a series of rapid rinse-centrifugation steps , Inhibitor removal solution and rinsing solution remove impurities such as cell metabolites and proteins, and finally a low-salt elution buffer elutes pure genomic DNA from the silicon matrix membrane.

Kit Contents and Storage




Buffer BB

20 ml

Store at RT for 12 months.

Binding solution CB

30 ml

Inhibitor Remover IR

50 ml  

Wash Buffer WB

25 ml
Add indicated ethanol before first use

Elution buffer EB

15 ml

Proteinase K powder (optional)

40 mg

Store at -20℃ for 12 months.

Adsorption column AC

100 pcs

Store at RT for 12 months.

Collection tube (2ml)

100 pcs
