Whole Blood DNA Kit (Small)

Catalog# BPC1135
Size: 50 T×0.3 ml
Lot # Check on the product label
Price: $130.00


Catalog# BPC1135

Size: 50 T×0.3 ml

Lot # Check on the product label


This kit uses several rapid steps to extract genomic DNA based on the characteristics of whole blood. First, the erythrocyte lysate is lysed to remove red blood cells without DNA, the nuclear lysate lyses leukocytes to release genomic DNA, and then the protein precipitation solution is selectively precipitated to remove proteins. Finally, the purified genomic DNA is precipitated by isopropanol and redissolved in the DNA lysate.

Kit Contents and Storage




10x red blood cell lysate

 5 ml


Store at RT for 18 months.


Nuclear lysate

15 ml

Protein precipitation solution

5 ml

DNA lysate

10 ml
