Flat end DNA+A kit

Catalog# BPC1098
Lot # Check on the product label
Size: 50 T
Storage: Store at -20°C. 
Price: $40.00


Catalog# BPC1098

Lot # Check on the product label

Size: 50 T

Storage: Store at -20°C. 

Application: The PCR product amplified by a high-fidelity DNA polymerase with 3'→5' exonuclease activity such as Pfu, Pwo, Vent or KOD is a blunt-ended DNA fragment without A tail. If the blunt-ended DNA fragment needs to be combined with T When the vector is connected, it is necessary to use Taq DNA polymerase to add an A tail after the blunt-end fragment before it can be complementary to the T head of the T vector. This kit provides all the ingredients needed for A-tailing and can complete the entire process in about 20 minutes.




Taq DNA polymerase

50 µl

10 x A-tailing buff er

50 µl

dATP Mix

50 µl


1. The blunt-ended PCR product is cleaned by PCR (without non-specific amplification) or purified by gel recovery (with non-specific amplification).

2. The purified blunt-ended DNA fragments are A-tailed according to the following reaction system:

Blunt-ended DNA fragments

7µl (up to 1µg)

dATP Mix


10 x A-tailing buffer


Taq DNA polymerase


3. Mix gently and incubate at 72°C for 20-30 minutes.

4. The A-tailed product can be directly used in the ligation reaction without further cleaning or gel recovery and purification.
