Ultrapure Total RNA Rapid Isolation Kit (whole blood)

Catalog# BPC1003
Size: 50 T
Lot # Check on the product label
Price: $180.00


Catalog# BPC1003

Size: 50 T

Lot # Check on the product label


The improved guanidine isothiocyanate/phenol one-step method (TRIzol method) lyses cells and inactivates RNase, and then the total RNA is selectively adsorbed on the silicon matrix membrane in the spin column in a highly isolated salt state. RNA is purified through a series of wash-spin steps to remove protein followed by elution of RNA from silica membrane with RNase-free H2O.

Kit Contents and Storage




10x red blood cell lysate RLB

25 ml

Store at RT for 12 months

Buffer RL

50 ml

Store at 4°C for 12 months

Wash Buffer RE

25 ml




Store at RT for 12 months

Wash Buffer RW

10 ml

Add indicated ethanol before first use

RNase-free H2O

10 ml

70% Ethanol

9ml RNase-free H2O

Add indicated ethanol before first use

RNA Bind Columns

50 pcs

Precautions for storage

1. All reagent solutions should be clear. If the ambient temperature is low, the solution may precipitate and should not be used directly. It can be heated in a 37°C water bath and used after it is clear.

2. The lysate RL can be transported at room temperature. After receipt, store it at 4°C away from light.

3. Avoid volatilization, oxidation, and pH changes caused by long-term exposure of the reagent to the air. After use, the lid should be closed in time.
