RNApure Total RNA Rapid Isolation Kit

Catalog# BPC1005
Size: 50 T
Lot # Check on the product label
Price: $180.00


Catalog# BPC1005

Size: 50 T

Lot # Check on the product label


The RNApure Total RNA Kit provides a simple, reliable, and rapid method for isolating high-quality total RNA from a variety of samples, including animal and plant cells and tissue. The kit utilizes the strong lysis capability of Buffer RL, followed by a convenient and time-saving silica-column purification protocol to purify ultrapure total RNA within an hour.

The sample is first lysed with Buffer RL, according to the lysate preparation protocol provided. The addition of chloroform to your sample, followed by centrifugation separates the solution into an upper aqueous phase containing RNA and a lower phenol-containing organic phase. The upper aqueous phase is transferred to a new tube, followed by ethanol addition and centrifugation. The sample is then transferred to the  Spin Column containing a clear silica–based membrane to which the RNA binds during purification. The RNA is washed to remove contaminants and the purified total RNA is then eluted in RNase-Free Water (Tris Buffer, pH 7.5 may also be used) and is suitable for use in a variety of downstream applications including sensitive gene expression studies such as microarray analysis or real time quantitative RT-PCR (qRT-PCR).

Kit Contents and Storage




Buffer RL(TRIzol Reagent)

50 ml

Store at 2-8°C for 9 months

Wash Buffer RE

25 ml



Store at RT for for 9 months

Wash Buffer RW

10 ml
Add indicated ethanol before first use

RNase-free H2O

10 ml

RNA Bind Columns

50 pcs

Precautions for storage

1. The lysate RL can be transported at room temperature. After receipt, store it at 4°C away from light.

2. Avoid volatilization, oxidation, and pH changes caused by long-term exposure of the reagent to the air. After use, the lid should be closed in time.
