EASYspin RNA Isolation Kit (micro-volume)

Catalog# BPC1018
Lot # Check on the product label
Size: 50 T
Price: $380.00


Catalog# BPC1018

Lot # Check on the product label

Size: 50 T


It is used to quickly extract total RNA from samples such as trace animal cells, microdissected tissues and easily lysed animal tissues, using unique genomic DNA removal column technology to ensure effective removal of gDNA residues, no need to use DNase digestion, RNA can be directly used for PCR and fluorescence quantification PCR.


The innovative EASYspin plus system is ideal or rapid purification of genomic DNA-free total RNA from animal cells or tissues. The unique genomic DNA elimination columns effectively remove genomic DNA from RNA samples. No DNase digestion step is required. The purified total RNA can be directly used for reverse transcription and RT-PCR. The whole process is phenol/chloroform-free. The unique lysis buffer immediately lyses biological samples and inactivates RNase and DNase. The lysate containing RNA is then passed through a genomic DNA elimination column, where genomic DNA binds to the column membrane, and RNA remains in the flow-through. Ethanol is added to the flow-through to provide appropriate binding conditions for RNA, and RNA selectively binds to the silica-membrane of the RNA column in the high-salt buffer. RNA is purified through a series of wash-spin steps to remove protein followed by elution of RNA from silica-membrane with RNase-free H2O.

Kit Contents and Storage




Buffer RLT Plus

20 ml





Store at RT for 6 months.


Buffer RW1

40 ml

Wash Buffer RW

10 ml
Add indicated ethanol before first use

RNase-free H2O

10 ml

70% Ethanol

9 ml RNase free H2O
Add indicated ethanol before first use

Carrier RNA

310 μg

Store at -20°C for 6 months.

Genomic DNA Elimination Columns

50 pcs

Store at RT for 6 months.



Binding Columns

50 pcs

Micro grinding pestle

3 pcs

Storage precautions

1. All reagent solutions should be clear. If the ambient temperature is low, the solution may precipitate and should not be used directly. It can be heated in a 37°C water bath and used after it is clear.
