pZERO-Blunt zero background Blunt Quick Ligation Kit

Catalog# BPC1091-1
Lot # Check on the product label
Size: 20 T
Storage: Store at -20°C for 6 months. 
Price: $190.00


Catalog# BPC1091-1

Lot # Check on the product label

Size: 20 T

Storage: Store at -20°C for 6 months. 


The Zero Background Blunt-End Quick Ligation Kit is an advanced suicide gene positive selection cloning system that efficiently clones blunt-ended PCR products and any DNA fragments with blunt ends. The kit is effective on both phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated DNA fragments. The positive selection vector and insert ligation can obtain more than 90% of positive recombinant clones in only 5 minutes. Blunt-ended PCR products amplified by a proofreading polymerase (eg, Pfu polymerase) can be ligated directly into cloning vectors. The ligation product can be directly transformed into commonly used E. coli strains.




pZERO-Blunt Simple Vector(40 ng/μl)

20 µl

900bp Control(40ng/µl)

5 µl

2x Quick Ligation Buffer

100 µl

T4 DNAligase, 5U/μl

20 µl

pZERO-Blunt Simple Forward Sequencing Primer (10µM)

50 µl

pZERO/Blunt Simple Reverse Sequencing Primer (10µM)

50 µl
